by John Freund, CM | Oct 21, 2012 | Vincentian Family
“A dream comes true: VFCAP” is how Yasmine Cajuste, JMV International President, titles her reflection on VFCAP, a  week-long program in Paris she thinks will appeal to lay leaders. “VFCAP is the answer to the expectations of many passionate members...
by John Freund, CM | Oct 15, 2012 | Vincentian Family
On the surface, John Kotter’s Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple story of a colony of penguins facing a dilemma. But contained within the story and the characters is a powerful message about the fear of change and how to motivate people to face the future and...
by John Freund, CM | Oct 11, 2012 | Evangelization, Vincentian Family
FAMVIN begins the journey of this year of faith with a reflection on how Vincent opens the door of faith to us. Explore the following themes with brief reflections drawn from recent studies on Vincent… The Power of the Vincentian Message for Evangelization...
by John Freund, CM | Oct 7, 2012 | Vincentian Family
“It is good when we are challenged to sum things up in a single idea. It’s hard, but it’s good.” Dr. John Falzon, CEO of the SVDP in Australia addresses the issue in his presentation to the Society’s National Youth congress. “Recently I had the...
by John Freund, CM | Oct 6, 2012 | Vincentian Family
At 65 they show no signs of settling for retirement! Founded October 27, 1947 the Sisters of Charity Federation: is made up of 11 congregations of Sisters of Charity + 2 provinces of Daughters of Charity from the U.S. and Canada has a character and spirit in the...