Teens, the Passion and the SVDP

Lenten drama marks end of drive for Vincent de Paul Society. …. On Tuesday, Pat was dressed as Pontius Pilate, with a homemade crown of paper and foil on his head, and Chris as a Roman soldier. They were part of a Holy Week drama about Jesus’ death and...

SSVDP Leads through Suffering to a New Life

SYDNEY, March 27, 2005 (catholicweekly.com.au):  Owen Rogers, Chief Executive Office  for the St Vincent de Paul Society State Council NSW/ACT writes for The Catholic Weekly this Sunday  – Jesus is raised from the tomb to a new and different life. Jesus has gone...

Youth, a Constant Concern of the Superiors General

Translation of an article in French on the encouragement of Vincentian Youth by the Superiors General, and especially Fr. Robert Maloney.All Superior Generals of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity have encouraged in a certain manner the life...

Daughters of Charity In the Philippines

FOR 195 years since 1810, the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, and abandoned children and elderly in Hospicio de San Jose have enjoyed the protection and providence of St. Joseph. In thanksgiving, the hospicio held nine-day Novena Masses capped by a fiesta...

Biography of New CM Bishop

Many thanks to Fr. José-Vicente Martínez, C.M., Provincial of Barcelona, for the information he forwarded to us. Luis Solé Fa, C.M.The Holy Father, John Paul II, appointed as bishop of Trujillo, Department of Colon and Gracias a Dios, Honduras, Fr. Luis Solé Fa, C.M.,...

Newsletter of CM Midwest and Southern Province

The March Newsletter of the Congregation of the Mission Midwest and Southern Provinces is now available online.The current issue contains news of the new residence being built on the historic grounds in Perryville, a reflection on Easter by the Provincial of the...