First Vincentian Latin Rite Cardinal Celebrates at SJU

His Eminence Franc Cardinal Rode, C.M., Prefect of the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life, served as celebrant for St. John’s University’s Opening School Mass today before a standing room only crowd at St. Thomas...

More Than 1000 Volunteers Involved SJU Service Day

Despite a period of inclement weather, St. John’s University covered the five boroughs in red and white, as more than 1,000 volunteers celebrated University Service Day on September 23. Wearing T-shirts tagged with the event’s title: “What a Difference a Day Makes,”...

Vincentian Cyber-Community for Young Adults

The Vincentian Centers for Formation at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey (USA) launched its first “hybrid” community of young adults today. The “Last Tuesday Cafe” is a mobile community of young adults (21-29) that gathers for...

Sister of Charity in National Catholic Reporter

I had been expecting some sign since June. Crippling headaches, missteps in perception, sentences in need of nouns. That 55th birthday meant I had arrived at the same age my mother was when she began her long and courageous dance with Alzheimer’s disease. But I felt...