SVDP Weekly Reflection Sheets – Sr. Kieran Kneaves

Sr. Kieran Kneaves has posted her weekly reflections (April-June). They are designed for use at meetings of the St. Vincent de Paul SocietyApril April 3 Second Sunday of Easter April 10 Third Sunday of Easter April 17 Fourth Sunday of Easter April 24 Fifth Sunday of...

11 – Canonization of St. Louise de Marillac – 1934

On 11 March  1934 Pope Pius XI presided at the solemnity of canonization, Among those canonized that year … Joan Antida Thouret (1765-1826); Mary Michaeli (1809-1865); Louise de Marillac (1591-1660); Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (1786-1842); Pompilius M. Pirotti,...

Vatican Resources on Lent

The Vatican site a rich section of reources for Lent 2005The site has links to words of the Holy Father, Lenten Stations, Lenten Music, Calendar of Celebration and Vatican live TV.Vatican Resources for Lent