Les Misérables – A timeless story

Tom Hooper’s 2012 version of Les Misérables  is a renewed opportunity to use this incredibly redemptive story as a discussion starter in many different situations. Were you punished too harshly, misunderstood, filled with hatred, a victim that became a...
Memorial Day Virtual Retreat

Memorial Day Virtual Retreat

Busted Halo is offering the following Virtual Memorial Day Retreat which contains some simple ways to go beyond the parades. Remembering those we have lost in the service of country and community Memorial Day weekend we dust off the grill, break out the lawn chairs,...

Encyclical on Poverty

Pope Francis writing encyclical on poverty… “Benedict XVI is finishing writing the encyclical on faith which will be signed by Pope Francis. Following this, he himself will prepare his first encyclical on the poor: Beati pauperes,” Bishop Luigi Martella of the...
Love them anyway!

Love them anyway!

Dear Vincentian Family:  Let the Holy Spirit come into your life and transform.  Come Holy Spirit fill us, your faithful Vincentians and ignite the fire within us.  Let each of us light that eternal flame and allow the flame to glow brightly to show your love to all...
The Seven Deadly Sins and The Great Gatsby

The Seven Deadly Sins and The Great Gatsby

BustedHalo offers some perspectives on this apparent blockbuster. The Great Gatsby has been touted as many things: one of the contenders for the title of “The Great American Novel,” a flash game, and now, a summer blockbuster. But for all the things that The Great...