In a new voice…”Who are the poor?”

In a new voice…”Who are the poor?”

A stay-at-home-Mom offers her expanded answer to “who are the poor?” The poor are our teachers! Jeannie Ewing , writes personally and powerfully ….”My understanding of “poverty” has evolved over the past year or so. Like most people, when I...

Who was Jesus for Louise de Marillac?

The international site of the Daughters of Charity asks that question. In response they offer the first part of reflections of two noted researchers Sisters Elisabeth Charpy, DC and Louise Sullivan, DC on St. Louise and the Incarnation. Why the Incarnation? Louise de...
Listening to sounds… and calls of Advent

Listening to sounds… and calls of Advent

Lynn L’Heureux reflects on listening to the sounds  of silence in Advent and its calls. Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday December 3, 2013 Are you called? –  Silence is Golden – The Creed – Advent Dear Vincentian Family:  By the time you receive...
A surprise gift! – Where is the kingdom?

A surprise gift! – Where is the kingdom?

Lynn gets a surprise… but still manages to reflect on The Kingdom – Remember Me – Surrender – Our Father Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday November 26, 2013 Dear Vincentian Family:  We have so many people to pray for who are hurting.  We open our...

Marian prayer of Pope Francis

Mother of the Living Gospel ~ A Prayer of Pope Francis Pope Francis concludes “Evangelii Gaudium” (The Joy of the Gospel) with a prayer for the intercession of Mary as the church evangelizes. He writes of her presence at the stable in Bethlehem and the cross at...