Retreat in a time of transitions

Retreat in a time of transitions

Virtual Transitions Retreat that might be helpful as we transition from the old year to the new. Try Busted Halo’s® Virtual Transitions Retreat and spend some time reflecting on the spiritual meaning of transitions in our lives. Download the retreat (if you print it —...
Novena to the Magi

Novena to the Magi

Kelly Wahlquist continues to offer some fine bits of spiritual nourishment at this holy season…NOVENA TO THE MAGI IN ANTICIPATION OF THE EPIPHANY Our “action items” from our Advent preparation through The Joy of the Gospel were: to savor, to...
Unwrap it – Christmas Examination

Unwrap it – Christmas Examination

Unwrap it – Christmas Examination (from Kelly Wahlquist’s website post about savoring the gift during the 12 days of Christmas) “The Joy of the Gospel” is an incredible gift with a beautiful bow tied together … Picture three young boys in front...
God’s plan for family

God’s plan for family

In “Open to God’s plan” José Antonio Pagola reflects on the Gospel for the feast of the Holy Family…Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 The gospel accounts leave no doubt whatsoever. According to Jesus, God has a great plan: to build in the world a big...
Santa Claus and Jesus

Santa Claus and Jesus

The materialism of Santa Claus and spirituality of the Child Jesus One day, the Son of God wanted to know how the children whom, when he used to walk among us, he would touch and bless and would say “Let the children come to me…for the kingdom of God...
Incarnation, Love, Rescue

Incarnation, Love, Rescue

 Incarnation Celebrate Christ’s Birth – Love -Rescue the lost sheep. – Themes for Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – December 24, 2013 Dear Vincentian Family:  May your Christmas be filled with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love and may you always know and feel the...