Catholic Social Teaching on Treatment of Prisoners

Links to various statements from Catholic Social Teaching on the treatment of prisoners.Catholic Catechism: Torture: More on toruture Vatican perspective on Catholic Prison Ministry Pope John Paul II Jubilee 2000 Message See also US Bishop’s statements Fact...

Social Justice Calendar 2005

To assist you in your planning for the coming year, the Education for Justice Web Site has produced a 2005 Calendar of holidays, holy days and important social justice dates. They will be highlighting these dates with educational resources for your use. Please note...

Online Newspapers More Influential Than Print Forms

Visitors to newspaper Web sites exhibit a greater interest in politics and are more likely to be active participants in the political process than the general online population, according to Nielsen//NetRatings Political View analysis of survey data conducted for the...

April 25 Africa Malaria Day

April 25 marks Africa Malaria Day. For further background information on Vincentian Family involvement to end this disease which kills every 29 seconds visit