Violence Won’t Halt Terrorism, Says Pope

He Calls for Peace As 9/11 is RememberedIn an address on September 8, 2004, John Paul II affirmed that “violence always generates violence” and thus it cannot be the answer to terrorism. “War never again!” he exclaimed in an address released by...

Pope Prays for Justice, Peace and Solidarity

On this anniversary of September 11, 2001 we might join with the Pope as he offered “Prayer for Justice, Peace and Solidarity” at his general audience on September 11. Brothers and sisters, accepting the Holy Father’s invitation, let us raise our...

SVDP and Australian National Elections

AUSTRALIA, August 27, 2004 (  The St Vincent de Paul National Site (Australia) carries a media report which states that Federal Election candidates will be invited to attend local Public Forums across Australia, especially in marginal seats, to tell...

Labor Day 2004

A collection of resources related to the celebration of labor day in the USA.Background facts from the Cenus Bureau US Catholic Conference of Bishops Labor Day 2004 Message – “Global Trade That Works For All The Busy Christian’s Guide for Catholic...