New Members in the Australian Province of the CM

SYDNEY & WAILOKU, January 23, 2003 (Provincial News 1/03): A warm welcome is extended to three new members commencing their formation in the Australian Province of the Vincentians (Congregation of the Mission) this year.  Anthony Crook and Andrew Duong will...

Robert Maloney – Models of Being Holy

Fr. Robert Maloney’s article “Models of “Being Holy” – A View toward the Past, the Present, and the Future ” is now available online.”From the lives of the saints, our tradition has distilled certain models.  Models are...

Use Online Audio and Video to Say Thanks to Benefactors

Description of how to quickly send an audio-visual “thank you” to benefectors. These thanks can take less time to prepare than a traditional thank you note. ” Be sure to visit the samples in the story below.Even computer technology just a few years...