by John Freund, CM | Mar 3, 2011 | Disasters and Responses, Vincentian Family
The international site of the SVDP writes (link no longer available) of the concerns of the New Zealand National Council. “At the moment, it’s food and associated items in many parts of the city. Following that, it’s money. We have deliberately not... by Beth | Feb 22, 2011 | Congregation of the Mission, Daughters of Charity, Disasters and Responses, Vincentian Family
There are no members of the Congregation of the Mission or Daughters of Charity working in New Zealand at the moment, but the Society of St Vincent de Paul is of course active there, and they will be affected directly or by the assistance they will be bringing to... by Beth | Jan 25, 2011 | Disasters and Responses, Vincentian Family
When the water goes down Vinnies will still be there. The Vincent dePaul Society in Australia makes an urgent appeal for monetary donations as the most effective way to aid the victims of the massive floods in Australia. Dominic Lagana, State President of St Vincent... by Beth | Jan 18, 2011 | Disasters and Responses, News
Send cash not goods reiterate Charity Groups according to Australian CM website. NEW SOUTH WALES: Country newspapers in NSW are reiterating the message that for flood victims cash is a more useful way to provide immediate help than goods. The money will also be spent... by John Freund, CM | Aug 26, 2010 | Disasters and Responses, News
According to the International Site of the SVDP the situation in Pakistan is huge and complex and it is beyond the resources of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Pakistan to provide emergency relief services. We have been in contact with them. The Daughters of... by John Freund, CM | Aug 2, 2010 | Disasters and Responses, News
CrisisCommons is a global network of volunteers who help people in times and places of crisis. If you can use the Internet, a word processor, a cell phone or any other kind of technology, you can help. Right now virtually online or during one of our many CrisisCamps...