While world leaders fret….

“…while most world leaders these days fret over the middle class, the financial sector, ailing auto companies, and so on — all, of course, utterly legitimate concerns for elected officials — the pope has been striking a different, and badly...

Palms and “The Road Less Travelled”

“As Jesus is greeted with palm branches today while riding up into the Holy City, these famous lines from the poetry of Robert Frost could well be applied to him: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the...

Papal Message for Youth Day ’09

“Jesus Also Wants to Encounter Each One of You” (Zenit.org).- Provides a Vatican translation of Benedict XVI’s message for World Youth Day 2009, to be celebrated at the diocesan level this Palm Sunday.  http://www.zenit.org/article-25262?l=english...