Vatican launches it own YouTube channel

The Vatican is launching its own YouTube channel to engage more with the digital generation and better control Benedict XVI’s online image according to USA Today. provides Vincentian Family with its own YouTube channel.

Pope Benedict as Next YouTube star?

The Vatican–which recently endorsed an iPhone prayer app and gave its blessing to gadget evangelism– is displaying further receptivity to technology with Saturday’s announcement that Pope Benedict XVI will get his own YouTube channel. According to...

Pope Calls For New Economic Model

The current financial crisis challenges us to find new economic models to address “a poverty that impedes people and families from living according to their dignity, a poverty that offends justice and equality and, as such, threatens peaceful coexistence,”...

Pope Gives Themes for Next 3 Youth Days

( Benedict XVI is inviting youth to celebrate the next two World Youth Days at the diocesan level, leading up to a culmination in the 2011 Madrid event. A statement from the Holy See affirmed that the Pope picked event themes for the ’09 and...