Catholicism – How technology is affecting it

The Spring 2010 issue of Australian Catholics, a Jesuit Publication, focuses on how  technology is changing the way we campaign for social justice. It asks how can technology help us build a new Catholic community for the 21st century? It also reflects on “A...

Video game to teach the faith

The Bishops of the Philippines have launched a 3D video to teach the faith to youths. Paolo’s Journey features Paolo, a young boy,  looking for his way home. By answering questions about the faith, players can keep him safe from falling into fire and help him...

Technology IS rewiring our brains

The New York Times has a lengthy feature that many will file under “I told you so”! In a sense it gives chapter and verse to this 2002 Vatican quote (section 2) “…Internet.. changes not just in how people communicate but in how they understand...