SSVDP Young Adults in Australia

Angela is President of a Young Adults conference in the Parramatta Region. Angela says ” For me, Vinnies is a very special thing – to be able to contribute to someone else’s life.” – ANGELA’S STORY   Hi, my name is Angela Titmuss...

Vincentian Chronological Dictionary

Thanks to a collaborative effort the international CM site has begun posting a translation of a Spanish series devoted to a chronological reconstruction of the life of Vincent. Rev. Mitxel Olabuenaga, C.M. writes …”Father Rafael Villarroya, a missionary...

December Reflection from SSVDP Canada

Thank God for the opportunity to write something on this Advent and Christmas message of reflection. I love Christmas and all that leads up to it and apart from Easter it is my favorite time of celebration. I love to embrace everything that surrounds the season and...