Many visitors are familiar with the online courses offered by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat. 

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce an exciting new adventure for Spirituality & Practice — the Elder Spirituality Project. We know that elders are a growing and important group using the resources for spiritual journeys we offer through the website, and that’s not surprising. Traditionally in the world’s religions, the last stage of life is seen as a time for intensified spiritual work as well as a time for passing on wisdom to future generations.

We’re launching the Elder Spiritual Project with a series of interactive e-courses. Then through the year we’ll create a whole section of the site for the Project, adding a blog on everyday spirituality for elders; collections of prayers and quotes; program plans for small groups; reviews of recommended books, DVDs, and audios; and a database of spiritual practices.

Spirituality practiceWe invite you to join us in celebrating the wisdom and the potential of elders! Here are some things you can do to help us launch the Project.

• Read more about the Elder Spirituality Project in our press release. Please share it with your contacts and any organizations who might be interested in using the resources of the Project or contributing to it.

• Some elders have already told us how they use S&P’s e-courses and other resources. There are too many to mention here, but thanks especially to those we quote in the press release: Jeanne, James, Cynthia, Betsy, and Lili. We’d love to hear from more elders with your stories and suggestions. Just reply to this email and your note will come right to Mary Ann’s inbox.

• Join us for the first of our Elder Spirituality E-courses; it starts a week from Monday, February 25. “Becoming a Wise Elder with Angeles Arrien,” a six-week program, is being led by a truly wise elder, a cultural anthropologist and award-winning author and educator. Please help us spread the word about this very special exploration of eight frontiers elders cross on the journey to the depth and breadth of meaning. Remember, you can give an e-course as a gift. To sign up for “Becoming a Wise Elder,” go to this page and click on the button that says “Subscribe to E-Course” at the bottom of the middle column:

Thank you in advance for all that you can do to support the Elder Spirituality Project.

Salaam, Shalom, Shanti, Peace,

Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

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