16 million cyber-candles for gratefulness

In many different traditions lighting candles is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. It has to do with gratefulness. From time immemorial, people have lit candles in sacred places. Why should cyberspace not be sacred? Gratefulness.org offers...
Retreat in a time of transitions

Retreat in a time of transitions

Virtual Transitions Retreat that might be helpful as we transition from the old year to the new. Try Busted Halo’s® Virtual Transitions Retreat and spend some time reflecting on the spiritual meaning of transitions in our lives. Download the retreat (if you print it —...
Vincentian Connection

Vincentian Connection

The Vincentian Connection: December 2013 is a fine example of using new media to tell the story. St. Vincent de Paul’s magazine tells the story of the  volunteers and donors, who feed, clothe, house and heal homeless individuals and working-poor families in...
Seminary Chair for Social Media

Seminary Chair for Social Media

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia announces the creation of The John Cardinal Foley Chair of Homiletics and Social Communications. This faculty position represents the only one of its kind in seminary or university education. Its mission is to promote...