CEO Emeritus Roger Playwin Honored

CEO Emeritus Roger Playwin Honored

Let’s Hear It For… CEO Emeritus Roger Playwin has been honored by Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) as a recipient of CCUSA’s 2014 “Keep the Dream Alive Award.”& Named in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the great champion...

Regina Bechtle – Helpful Advice on Prayer

The following is taken from the November 2013 issue of Living with Christ,page 20. We invite you to visit their website at This month, Living with Christ asked Sr. Regina: What is the most helpful advice you’ve received about prayer? As a young...

Connecting the head and the heart

Two seasoned spiritual directors in in conversation…. Sandra C. Smith and Susan Stabile, contirbutor to FamVin News, exchange ideas about connecting the head and the heart in spiritual companionship and living in this Spiritual Directors International YouTube...