Dementia and Spirituality

Dementia and Spirituality

“It’s still me Lord” – A film exploring dementia and spirituality. Helping carers and parishes support people with dementia. Click here to watch the video released by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. It is part of...
CM Western province videos

CM Western province videos

Nuestra Historia John, the link above is to the vocation video Our Story but in Spanish (Nuestra Historia).  I just posted the video on YouTube yesterday.    Jim See also… Our...
Frederic’s Passion for Justice (video)

Frederic’s Passion for Justice (video)

Frederic Ozanam had a passion for charity and justice which was driven by a deep faith in the presence of God who was actively engaged in the social progress of the world through the actions of Christians. This video presentation by Ralph Middlecamp at the Vincentian...