USA, Vincent de Paul, heart, DePaul University, 2_JPGConcluding prayer of the Litany of St. Vincent dePaul


“O God, Who for the preaching of the Gospel to the poor, and for promoting the honor of the priesthood, didst endue blessed Vincent with the zeal of an apostle, grant, we humbly pray Thee, that we who venerate his holy life may profit by the examples of virtue he has left us.
R. Amen.”



O Glorious Saint Vincent de Paul,
the mention of your name suggests a litany of your virtues:
humility, zeal, mercy, self-sacrifice.
It also recalls your many foundations:
Works of Mercy, Congregations, Societies.

The Church gratefully remembers your promotion of the priesthood.
Inspire all Charitable Workers,
especially those who minister,
to both the spiritually and the materially poor.

O Lord, give us the grace that You bestowed upon,
your servant St. Vincent de Paul,
to relinquish the temptation of material things,
in our holy effort to minister to the poor.


Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be…