by John Freund, CM | May 18, 2014 | Justice and Peace
Pentecost Novena and Trafficking – Raise your awareness as you journey in prayer with victims and advocates in countries around the world to stop human trafficking. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day...
by John Freund, CM | Jan 25, 2014 | Justice and Peace
An International, annual novena for those in and affected by the sex industry. Nine days of private or public prayer for a specific intention. Day 1 (17th of March): For porn stars. Heavenly Father, we offer you our brothers and sister acting in the porn industry....
by John Freund, CM | Dec 28, 2013 | Uncategorized
Kelly Wahlquist continues to offer some fine bits of spiritual nourishment at this holy season…NOVENA TO THE MAGI IN ANTICIPATION OF THE EPIPHANY Our “action items” from our Advent preparation through The Joy of the Gospel were: to savor, to...
by John Freund, CM | Sep 25, 2013 | Spirituality and Spiritual Practice
Concluding prayer of the Litany of St. Vincent dePaul “O God, Who for the preaching of the Gospel to the poor, and for promoting the honor of the priesthood, didst endue blessed Vincent with the zeal of an apostle, grant, we humbly pray Thee, that we who...
by John Freund, CM | Dec 18, 2012 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Vincentian Family
The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal  writes…”Pray with us on your Cell Phone If you text the word NOVENA to the number51555 we will add you to a list that will receive a prayer each Monday Morning, reminding you that we are praying for you. We...