Claudio Santangelo, CM, Coordinator of the Commission on Islam, announces workshop planned for August 2011 in Indonesia, open to all the members of the Vincentian Family, dealing with the relationship between Christians and Muslims. I encourage all Visitors to consider the possibility of having confreres participate in this most important session that is not only significant for those provinces that are in predominately Muslim areas, but also for provinces in which there is an increasing Muslim population as experienced in many parts of Western Europe.
Really pleased to hear that another Vincentan session on Christian – Muslim dialogue is being arranged. This is such an impotrtant issue in our world of today;
any growth in mutual understanding must surely also be for the good of those who are poor – whatever their faith or culture.
I was able to attend the session held in Lebanon in 1999 and still treasure that truly international experience. May God’s blessing be on the event in August and all who are organizing it. Sr. Ann Buckeridge DC.