This morning the new national Vincentian vocation web site went liveThe Vocation Directors of the five US provinces of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) are pleased to announce that they have combined their efforts to produce a “new” national web site

This site, which went ‘online’ August 9, links information about the ministries and formation programs of the five US provinces in one convneient site.

In viewing this site, a pospective candidate (as welll as curious Vencentian family members who are always welcome!) can learn of the heritage and charism of St. Vincent de Paul and the ministries and location of the five provinces.

This site was used originally as a vocation site for the Eastern Province, and was developed using and advisory board made up of Vincentians.

It was designed to be interactive, with Vincentian priests, brothers and seminarians telling their vocation stories.

It also included photo galleries, actual news stories on TV/radio about Vincentians in action, a reflections piece allowing participants to pray using the words of St. Vincent, a Q&A section on seminary life, resources to discern a vocation, and access to web sites to learn more about the Vincentina Family.

When it debuted in fall, 2004, it was widly praised, receiving notice in the popurlar media, with Reuters News Service doing a feature story that resulted in inquires about the Vincentians form young men on four continents.

When the 5 US vocation directors met in March 2004 to develop a strategy for collaboration at the request of the provincials it seemed only natural to begin with a common web site.

This ‘mew’ web site is a result of their combined efforts, and will eventually include a monthly ’email news letter’ for those wishing to sign up.
The Vincentian Vocation Directors invite your comments and ideas, as it will be helpful in developing an interactive and contemporary way for young people to learn more about the rich Vincentian spirituality that is our heritage.
