Vincentian Heritage

Video – The Saint and the Duchess: Collaboration at the Heart of Vincentian Heritage

Bronwen McShea, scholar of 17th century religious and political history, presents “The Saint and the Duchess: Collaboration at the Heart of Vincentian Heritage.”

The Legacy of Saints Vincent and Louise

How did Divine Providence lead Saints Vincent and Louise, step by step? Learn more in this presentation based on excerpts from the classic Vincentian Heritage Journal article, "Unfolding the Legacy— Key Figures in the Tradition" by Betty Ann McNeil D.C.  ...

Vincentian Heritage Current Issue: Volume 36, Issue 1 (2021)

The DePaul University Vincentian Studies Institute offers Vincentian Heritage (Volume 36, Number 1).

Niagara University Schedules Events to Celebrate Vincentian Heritage Week

Niagara University has scheduled a full slate of events to celebrate its rich history of education and service in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul. “A Heightened Sense of Purpose” is the theme of this year’s Vincentian Heritage Week, which will take place Sept. 21-29, 2019.

Vincentian Heritage Journal

Vincentian Heritage Journal

Vincentian Heritage, a biannual journal, is free and ready for download The DePaul University Vincentian Studies Institute is pleased to announce the publication of our newest open-source e-book edition of Vincentian Heritage (Volume 32, Number 2). This edition...