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“I Have Seen and So Can Testify To…”

“I Have Seen and So Can Testify To…”

“I have seen and so can testify to…”                  (John 20)       So much of the New Testament is about witnessing.  “We have seen and testified to…the Eternal life that was revealed to us. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard.” (1 John 1:1-2) In one way...

“I Have Seen and So Can Testify To…”

The Right Focus

The Right Focus (Matthew 6) I came across an interview with a woman violinist who had just completed a concert and gotten rave reviews for it. The interviewer was asking her how she got to be so good, how she developed this great gift of letting the beauty of the...

“I Have Seen and So Can Testify To…”

You Are Somebody

“You Are Somebody…”       (John 15) (Homily at the Farewell Mass for the departing members of the 2015/16 Vincentian Mission Corps, St. Louis) Jesus confides in His disciples today, “I have told you this, that your joy may be complete.” Or to put it another way: “I...

“I Have Seen and So Can Testify To…”

Wonderful News. Blessed Are Those…

“Wonderful News.” Blessed Are Those…       Matthew 5 What if we were to take these Beatitude behaviors and attitudes as descriptions of the way things already are in the world, as if we were hearing Jesus giving a kind of analysis of society as it really is? We’d have...

“I Have Seen and So Can Testify To…”

St. Louise: Moving Toward Love

St. Louise: Moving Toward Love (Is. 58: Mt. 25) There’s a famous quote attributed to Mark Twain: When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much...

“I Have Seen and So Can Testify To…”

The Saints as Bibliography

The Saints as Bibliography      Acts 4:8 There’s a writer who characterizes the lives of the saints as “bibliographic entries onto the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.” A bibliography: a series of additions to the one story; i.e., variations on how Jesus’ story plays...

“I Have Seen and So Can Testify To…”

The Faces of God

The Faces of God        John 8:14 I once came across a psychological test aiming to measure a person’s trust in life or fear of it, life understood in its most general sense as existence or reality.  It was getting at the question, “Down at your instinctual level, do...