Tom McKenna, CM
The King’s View
When this King is exercising his Kingship where does he stand and what does he see?
The Core Belief (Lk 20:27-38)
Developmental psychologists point to a foundational experience in the life of a child whose effects ripple through the rest of life.
“Nudges” (Luke 19:1-10)
…You feel an impulse to do something connected with faith – and you pursue it.
Catching the Meaning (Lk 17:11-19)
There’s a nugget of wisdom that goes, “He had the experience, but missed the meaning.”
On Noticing (Amos 6; Lk.16:19-31)
“Noticing” is high up on the list of how “they’ll know we are Christians” — and certainly how they’ll know we are Vincentians.
Tilting Toward Good (Lk 16:1-13)
Over the centuries, the parable of the clever but dishonest steward has caused much debate. Doesn’t Jesus seem to be praising the man for cheating?
More Than One Side
“Choose up sides,” three famous words that have set up boundaries between countless competing groups.
Gaining Entrance
“But anything you do to ‘gather together all your sisters and brothers from all the nations,’ brings with it entrance into the Kingdom of God.”
Believing Love (Rom. 5:5)
It’s a challenge to absorb this truth that God’s love penetrates to the tip of our hearts and minds.
Comforting Arms (Isaiah 66:13)
Comfort is high among the promises of Jesus’ Kingdom – the Reign of God bringing protection, welcoming, a soothing of painful wounds, a safe harbor.