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Not your usual fertility center

Fifth Sunday of Easter (B), May 3, 2015 – Acts 9, 26-31; 1 Jn 3, 18-24; Jn 15, 1-8 Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth (1 Jn 3, 18) Jesus guarantees fruitfulness to those who believe and remain in him. Calling himself the true vine, Jesus makes his...

Apple not falling far from the tree

Fourth Sunday of Easter (B), April 26, 2015 – Acts 4, 8-12; 1 Jn 3, 1-2; Jn 10, 11-18 We shall be like him (1 Jn 3, 2) There is no salvation except in the name of Jesus. He saves us by laying down his life for us. His name is synonymous with simplicity, humility,...

Truly necessary sin

Third Sunday of Easter (B), April 19, 2015 – Acts 3, 13-15. 17-19; 1 Jn 2, 1-5a; Lk 24, 35-48 We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ (1 Jn 2, 1) The risen Jesus is the invitation to sinners to believe in the God who writes straight with crooked lines....

The height of folly

Easter Sunday (B), April 5, 2015 – Acts 10, 34a. 37-43; Col 3, 1-4 or 1 Cor 5, 6b-8; Jn 20, 1-9 God raised him on the third day (Acts 10, 40) In the risen Jesus is the foolishness of the cross exalted. By the Lord has this been done! By grace Peter and the beloved...

Dying to live forever

Palm Sunday (B), March 29, 2015 – Mk 11, 1-10 or Jn 12, 12-16; Is 50, 4-7; Phil 2, 6-11; Mk 14, 1 – 15, 47 He humbled himself, becoming obedient to death (Phil 2, 8) Jesus does not come down from the cross to save himself. He thus opens for us the way of salvation....

Drawing power

Fifth Sunday of Lent (B), March 22, 2015 – Jer 31, 31-34; Heb 5, 7-9; Jn 12, 20-33 He learned obedience from what he suffered (Heb 5, 8) Lifted up from the earth, Jesus seals a new pact. The Lord promises a new covenant. It will not be like that of Sinai, which was...

Falling back and springing forward

Fourth Sunday of Lent (B), March 15, 2015 – 2 Chon 36, 14-16. 19-23; Eph 2, 4-10; Jn 3, 14-21 By grace you have been saved through faith (Eph 2, 8) Jesus crucified bears out that where sin increases, grace overflows all the more. Salvation history is, in summary, the...

He nails it

Third Sunday of Lent (B), March 8, 2015 – Ex 20, 1-17; 1 Cor 1, 22-25; Jn 2, 13-25 Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom (1 Cor 1, 22) Jesus is doing something new that is already perceivable. We must fix our gaze on it, no longer remembering the events of the...

Nothing but the full truth

Second Sunday of Lent (B), March 1, 2015 – Gen 22, 1-2. 9a. 10-13. 15-18; Rom 8, 31b-34; Mk 9, 2-10 He handed him over for us all (Rom 8, 32) Jesus is the fullness of revelation. He transforms into his glorious image the hearers and doers of his word, willing even to...