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Salvation for Jews and for Gentiles of Every Language

Trust Firmly and Without Reservation

Jesus assures us that God trusts in us.  We trust God because he first trusts us. Better than any prophet, Jesus’ embodies the divine invitation to trust.  That is because the Teacher explains in simple terms that God is the heavenly Father who loves all his children...

Salvation for Jews and for Gentiles of Every Language

Rich and Precious in the Eyes of God

There is no trace of greed in Jesus, and he is most rich in what matters to God. Jesus refuses to intervene in an inheritance dispute.  Perhaps he does not want to do something that others may misconstrue as softness with those who love money.  What is certain,...

Salvation for Jews and for Gentiles of Every Language

Fullness par excellence and unequaled

In Jesus dwells all the fullness; those who treat the helpless with mercy are surely partakers of his fullness. “And who is my neighbor?” asks a scholar of the law who wants to justify himself.  He is also one of those experts who like to test Jesus.  They think they...

Salvation for Jews and for Gentiles of Every Language

Credible witnesses of the Gospel

Jesus has the credible words of eternal life.  We believe in him.  Are we credible? Those who hear Jesus proclaim the Good News are amazed at his credible words of grace.  He teaches with authority. He wants us to be credible also.  The phrase “in pairs” indicates...

Salvation for Jews and for Gentiles of Every Language

Disciples to the bitter end

Jesus is the good Teacher.  He invites us to be his disciples. Jesus is resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem with his disciples.  There, he will suffer greatly and die on the cross.  The specter of a violent death does not make him turn back. Much less does...

Salvation for Jews and for Gentiles of Every Language

Hidden still is Jesus’ messiahship

Jesus is God’s Christ.  His being so remains hidden, however, from those who lack compassion. Jesus backtracks.  He keeps hidden once again his being the Messiah no sooner than he has revealed it through Peter’s confession of faith.  The Teacher directs his disciples...