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Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord

Temptations that We Have to Overcome

The Son of God is also a son of Adam.  So, he goes through the temptations that we humans face.  And he shows us how to overcome them, so we may be true to ourselves and our mission. Jesus’ temptations are essentially the same as those of Adam and the Israelites...

Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord

Blissful and Woeful Far Beyond Belief

Jesus became poor to make us rich by his poverty.  He is the firstborn among many poor brothers and sisters who trust in God and, hence, are blissful. Jesus teaches that poor people are blessed, blissful.  And those, too, who are hungry, and those who are weeping. ...

Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord

Like Jesus in Mind, Heart and Action

Jesus is the one whom God has anointed with the Holy Spirit and sent to bring glad tidings to the poor.  And he wants us to be like him, bringing the Good News to the poor by the power of the Spirit. We Christians try to become like Jesus Christ.  We seek to conform...