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Picking out the Followers of Jesus Christ

Dear, Precious, Very Costly Indeed

Jesus is the perfect model of love to the end. His true and dear followers, then, are those who love one another as he has loved them. Jesus’ followers are as dear to him as children are dear to their parents. And since he is going to be with them only a little while...

Picking out the Followers of Jesus Christ

One Are Jesus and His True Followers

Jesus and the Father are one.  And so are Jesus and his true followers.  Needless to say, then, true followers cannot but be one in heart and mind. One with us in every way, but in sinfulness, the Word made flesh feels the cold of winter.  So, he walks about in the...

Picking out the Followers of Jesus Christ

Together as Followers of Jesus Christ

Jesus gives us the perfect example of love.  He wants us, who call him ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’ to do together also what he has done for us. Together are some followers of Jesus.  They are less than twelve.  The group, then, is not meant to represent Israel with its...

Picking out the Followers of Jesus Christ

Dignity and Responsibility of Women

The new that God is doing springs forth now in Jesus.  Those with chauvinist mentality do not see this newness that acknowledges the dignity and responsibility of women (Benedict XVI). Joseph finds out that Mary is carrying in her womb a child that is not his.  But...