Javier F. Chento
Child Migration: A Video To Reflect On
See and reflect on a 1-1/2 minute video about a very vulnerable population in our world.
Guatemala Project for Volcano Victims
The Vincentian Family is collaborating on a new project to help families who lost their homes after a volcanic eruption in Guatemala.
Part of our Life
Being a Vincentian is part of our life, the same as being a professional, father, mother, son, daughter, student, etc.
Poor People who Help Other Poor People
…beyond beliefs or ideologies, all people are able to recognize others in their dignity, despite their problems and difficulties, and reach out.
“God is born in Lbiska”
The story of the House for Children in Lbiska dates back to the beginnings of the history of Company of Daughters of Charity in Poland.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul: Founded by Young People, for Young People
At the beginning, SSVP was a place for growth – personal and in community – for young people, who concretized their Christian commitment in direct service to the needy.
Family Spirit in Kenya
Inside the Christmas octave every year, the Brothers CMM in Kenya hold a get-together event commonly known as Provincial Day.
Amin de Tarrazi: A Life Well Lived
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul would not have flourished as it did during the past decades had it have been for Bro. Amin.
Summary of Activities in 2018 of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, through its International General Council (CGI) has just presented their 2018 activities report.
In Brazil, SSVP Social Projects Help Low-income People Gain Access to Technology
In Campinas, Sao Paulo (Brazil), the social projects of the National Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Brazil (CNB) have reversed two very common situations experienced by the residents of Jardín de San Marcos and its surroundings: the difficulty of...