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Out of Season

Out of Season

At the start of the Easter season this year I was inspired by a reading that emphasized celebrating the 50 days of Easter. Yet as the season has unfolded there has been much more dying and death in my life than resurrection. I find it nearly impossible to continue to...

Ladies of Charity on EWTN Live: Wednesday, August 2

Ladies of Charity on EWTN Live: Wednesday, August 2

Mary Ann Dantuono, past President, and Suzanne Johnson, current President of the Ladies of Charity USA have been invited to appear on EWTN to talk about the Ladies of Charity. They will be on EWTN Live, hosted by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Wednesday, August 2 at 8:00 pm Eastern...

Interfaith Collaboration to End Homelessness

Interfaith Collaboration to End Homelessness

Collaboration…it’s something our Vincentian Family is familiar with and puts into practice as often as possible. Collaboration amongst different faiths AND city/county officials to end homelessness? Now that is something you don’t hear about very often! Paul Starkey,...

U.S. St. Vincent de Paul Society Videos

U.S. St. Vincent de Paul Society Videos

Enjoy a few videos that were recently posted to our YouTube channel: First a video celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Vincentian Charism by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Council of the United States (SVDP USA). Music: "The Door is Open" : Hymn for...