“Go home and think about it”
“Go home and think about it” Do you really want to be a Daughter of Charity?
“…standing among 20 “young nuns” “
These women have risked a joyful “yes” to a road not often traveled.
“Evangelized by the poor” – will we walk away sad?
“To learn how to receive with humility. To learn to be evangelized by the poor”
Have your boarding pass ready
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), January 25, 2015 – Jon 3, 1-5. 10; 1 Cor 7, 29-31; Mk 1, 14-20 The time is running out (1 Cor 7, 29) The proclamation of the kingdom of God is also an invitation to repentance. “The kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink,...
Evaluating the “Francis effect”
Is Francis bringing people back to church?
Baptism – Hold the Net – Blinded by the Lights – Ordinary Time
Baptism – Hold the Net – Blinded by the Lights – Ordinary Time
“Journey of Vincent” Video: Enhanced Definition Version
“Journey of Vincent” Video: Enhanced Definition Version
Evangelized By the Poor: The Salvific Power of Those Living in Poverty
Evangelized By the Poor: The Salvific Power of Those Living in Poverty
Up close and personal
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), January 18, 2015 – 1 Sam 3, 3b-10. 19; 1 Cor 6, 13c-15a. 17-20; Jn 1, 35-42 Whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one Spirit with him (1 Cor 6, 17) Our Lord reveals himself to the clean of heart who show interest in him. He offers...
What is the Vincentian Way?
What is the Vincentian Way? Reflections from Mike Syslo, National Senior Director of Governance of the Vincent de Paul Society We often hear the expression, “That’s the way we do things as Vincentians.” Or the reverse is heard as well: “That’s not the way Vincentians...