July 19, 1813: First Vows of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s in Emmitsburg, Maryland, USA

On July 19, 1813, vows were pronounced for the first time by Elizabeth Ann Seton and 17 other Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s who adapted the vow formula of the French Daughters of Charity.

If Moccasins Could Speak!

Have you ever walked a mile in another’s moccasins? … in the moccasins of their sufferings?

Everyone Deserves a Home #famvin2024

In only 6 years, from 2018 to 2023, the FAMVIN Homeless Alliance (FHA) has provided over 10,000 formerly homeless people with secure housing and access to other support services.

A Vincentian View: Francis de Sales

Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac both held Saint Francis de Sales in high esteem. 

The Church of Corinth – is the Past Prologue?

In “The Tempest,” Shakespeare wrote, “What’s past is prologue!” Antonio is rationalizing the past as setting the stage for their next act, as a prologue does in a play.

Befriending the Other #IamVincent

Befriending the Other #IamVincent

Coming to the Midwest I expected to jump right into a new community. I had moved many times before and was generally good at the whole “making friends” thing. But it suddenly became harder after living intentionally with nine souls that intricately became connected...

A Vincentian Creed

A Vincentian Creed

I BELIEVE in God, the Lord of history who is and who comes; I BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, the Lord of life, who gave Himself for me, for you, for all without exception and who awaits me in the tabernacle; who is delivered as food under the species of bread and wine; who...

Framing The Scene

Framing The Scene

Framing The Scene  (John 11:1-45) I remember a wise person once telling me that there’s no such thing as an un-interpreted fact. Everything you see out there you see through some kind of frame, some angle of approach that not only affects how you see, but more...

Advocacy and Systemic Change

Advocacy and Systemic Change

“Speaking truth to power….Making our voices heard---"     Advocacy: the process of supporting a cause or proposal, pleading or arguing in favor of an idea or policy.  Advocacy is active, not passive, and can take many forms.  But for Vincentians it means taking the...

Farewell that Brings Life and Courage

Farewell that Brings Life and Courage

Jesus encourages his followers as he bids them farewell.  He reveals that he is the way and the truth and the life. Jesus bids his followers farewell.  He knows it troubles them.  So, he says:  “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You have faith in God; have faith...