Many Levels of Understanding
I never gave much thought to what is involved when I hear or ask the question, “Don’t you understand?”
Contemplation: Another Advocate
This post originally appeared on In 1833, President (and Spiritual Advisor) Emmanuel Bailly opened the first meeting of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul praying “Veni, Sancte Spiritus…” We continue this special devotion to the Holy Spirit today,...
Sow with Humility, Trust and Courage
Jesus is, in person, what it means to sow is to harvest and the seed that turns into a tree with large branches, so that birds can dwell in its shade. In today’s gospel, Jesus says that the kingdom of God is like the one who goes to sow and gets to harvest. That is to...
Vincentian Places 13 – Saint-Lazare
The Priory of St Lazare was the home of Vincent de Paul for the latter part of his life, after the Congregation of the Mission moved there from the College des Bons Enfants in 1632.
Firewood for the Soul: Fragility
A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.
The God Minute: The Gift of Hope in Faith
The Gift of Hope in Faith: Psalm 43, Romans 15:13
The Situation of the Poor in our Cities • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam
On either side of a filthy sewer rise houses five stories high, many of which shelter fifty families. Low, damp, and noxious rooms; [...] no paper, often not a single piece of furniture, hides the nakedness of the wretched walls. In a house of the Rue des Lyonnais we...
The Pope Video • For those fleeing their own countries
“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For those fleeing their own countries.
“Unknown Caller”… the Body of Christ
Do we really listen to the calls of the poor… or send their cries to voicemail or spam folders?
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Video: Global Justice Committee
The Global Justice Committee of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth hosted a Zoom panel sharing and discussion on June 4, 2024, on the 2023 General Assembly Commitment of responding to the needs of oppressed and marginalized persons.