Goods are for Everyone • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam
Rich men, He who taught us to pray for our daily bread nowhere advises us to secure to ourselves ten years of luxury. We live in days without examples, in which it may be wise to sacrifice the future to the present and the economy to necessity. [...] Give the alms of...
This week: Feast of St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M. (July 30)
Beginning around 1840, St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M., began providing spiritual assistance to the people of what is today the countries of Eritrea and Ethiopia,, and the people welcomed him and his guidance.
Finding our way back to Galilee with Pope Francis
I found my path back to Galilee with the help of Pope Francis. For me, it was by way of a homily he preached in Canada.
Synodality in the Life and Work of Saint Vincent de Paul #famvin2024
Saint Vincent de Paul is an emblematic figure in Catholicism, renowned for his profound commitment to the poor and marginalized. However, one of the lesser-explored aspects of his legacy is his approach to synodality.
A Vincentian View: “Earthen Vessels”
The “earthen vessel” provides an illustrative image as we consider the ministry and mission of the Apostle James.
Hiroshima or the Explosive Power of Love
I only began to understand the enormity of these events as the years passed by. Three-quarters of a century later, I still have trouble imagining their explosive power.
Contemplation: Providing What is Needed
This post originally appeared on One of the central tenets of Vincentian spirituality is trust in Divine Providence. We are called to trust that God will provide what is needed for things to work out for the best. In theory, this sounds quite simple,...
Bread of Life that Truly Gives Us our Fill
Jesus is the bread of life that has come down from heaven. To go to him and to believe in him means to never hunger or thirst again.
July 30: St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.
St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M. was the great apostle to the Abyssinian people (today, the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia).
Vincentian Places 20 – Saint-Germain-En-Laye
During the latter part of his life, Vincent de Paul had an association with the French Royal Court at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, just west of Paris.