Advent Reflections (Day 3)

Famvin Media Resources
November 28, 2022

Advent Reflections (Day 3)

by | Nov 28, 2022 | Formation | 1 comment

Putting On the Virtue of Gentleness
November 29, 2022

St. Vincent tells the Daughters of Charity that nothing conquers the hearts of those who are angry or bitter more than gentleness.1 Finally, in the principal conference that he gave on gentleness, on March 28, 1659, St. Vincent states emphatically that it is the virtue of “a true missionary.”2 In another conference given five months later on the five characteristic virtues, he underlines how essential gentleness is in dealing with poor, often ignorant, country people.3


1CCD IX, 261.
2CCD XII, 189.
3CCD XII, 305.

Source: Fr. Robert P. Maloney, C.M. A Further Look at “Gentleness”


Let us pray

Lord, grant us the grace to practice gentleness in dealing with each person we serve.


Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:29

Tags: Advent

1 Comment

  1. Joseph Bellacosa

    Thanks, Bob,
    In this period of Gratitude, Gentle Generosity is the perfect complementary virtue. Just read America’s interview with the Pope and it is suffused with Gentleness from on High. Your reflection and his interview struck me as an inspired matched set for Advent action orientation.
    Joe Bellacosa

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