International Youth Meeting of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

Javier F. Chento
May 20, 2018

International Youth Meeting of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

by | May 20, 2018 | News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, a Catholic institution formed by lay people, established in 153 countries and which helps more than 30 million people, organizes an International Youth Meeting in Salamanca, Spain, from June 15 to 21, 2018, to which Representatives from all continents will come to share their Catholic faith and their service to the most needy people.

We will have young representatives of about 100 nationalities, coming from countries like Lebanon, Nicaragua, France, Myanmar, Central African Republic, Albania, Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba, Syria, Honduras, Vietnam, Ireland, Rwanda, South Africa, Romania, Sierra Leone, ect.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul organizes in Salamanca, Spain this International Meeting so young people may share their experience of faith and service under the Vincentian charism, which is modeled on St. Vincent de Paul, a charisma that affects in personal, close and efficient help towards people living in poverty.

The young people, who will come from all parts of the planet, are missionaries in their own land and will bring in their backpack the experience of helping their neighbor according to their social and cultural context. Some of them come from countries where the Catholic religion is persecuted, a minority or not officially recognized, others come from developing countries, where resources are scarce and where they overcome challenges through their commitment and imagination. These young people also come from developed countries, where secularization and religious indifference points them out and where it is not easy to get the message of the Gospel.

But all of them have something in common, their faith and their commitment to service the discarded of society, which is summarized in one of the phrases of the main founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Federico Ozanam, precursor of social doctrine of the Church, beatified by Pope St. John Paul II:

“What can we do to be true Catholics, but consecrate ourselves to what pleases God? So we help the poor, as Jesus Christ would, and put our faith under the protective wings of charity”

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