Fr. Flavio from the Vincentian Family Office Visits Kenya

Vincentian Family Office
April 30, 2018

Fr. Flavio from the Vincentian Family Office Visits Kenya

by | Apr 30, 2018 | News

On February 13, 2018, Fr. Flavio Pereira, CM and Bro. Sylvester Asabotale Ojubiaja, Esq. left Nigeria in the early morning for Kenya. They were greeted by the warm embrace of the Brothers of CMM. Bro. Leo and Bro. Dennish who received them at the airport, provided them with accommodations, meals, and transportation throughout their stay.

February 14, 2018

The Daughters of Charity

They visited the Daughters of Charity who agreed that if the CM is ready to lead, they will gladly offer their support and be part of the Council.

February 15, 2018

The Vincentian Congregation (Vincentian Fathers from India)

Bro. Dennish of CMM drove Fr. Flavio and Bro. Sylvester to the Vincentian Congregation. They were caringly received by the Provincial Superior and other Priests of the Congregation. They are open to the idea of Vincentians in Kenya working together as a Family. They preach the Good News to the poor. They have prayer grounds in three places in Kenya and other parts of Africa. They also have retreat centers.

The Brothers of Charity

Their next visit was to the Provincial House of the Brothers of Charity. They met their Superior, who welcomed them kindly and appreciated the idea of the Vincentian Family in Kenya coming together to form a National Council.

February 16, 2018

The Fathers and Sisters of Cottolengo

Their visit to this congregation was uniquely welcoming. First they met with the Sisters of Cottolengo, who share the Vincentian charism. They introduced their ministry, hospital, orphanage and school ministries, etc. to them. They told them that they have the Fathers and Brothers of Cottolengo.

The Fathers of Cottolengo joined the discussion and reaffirmed that they belong to the larger family of St. Vincent De Paul. They celebrate the feast day with pomp and pageantry.

They are ready and willing to contribute financially to the National Council.

St. Vincent De Paul (Community Development Corp.)

They visited Nairobi, Kenya. The authorities told them that the CDC are more or less an NGO, though they originally belonged to the St. Vincent De Paul Society. They have been able to raise funds to build a school, a rescue center to take in orphans, HIV positive and abandoned children in “the slumps” area, which is the largest in Africa.

They confirmed their support from the CM and other international bodies. Fr. Flavio and Bro. Sylvester appreciated their exemplary efforts. This is a tragically poor area where the school is located. They welcomed the idea of a National Council for the Family in Kenya.

The CMM Brothers

The CMM Brothers hosted Fr. Flavio and Bro. Sylvester in a meeting at their residence. From their visits to the various arms and discussions had with them, every one of the Family arms visited, welcomed the need for a National Council of the Family in Kenya.

The role of the Superior General of the CMM, Bro. Lawrence, was quite commendable. The Brothers made themselves available. Bro. Lawrence called asking how far they had gone, and was requested to help handle the formation of a National Council in Kenya. He promised he would do so come August. He is a member of the VFCEE.

Their visit to Kenya was quite revealing. All of the arms they met are willing to come together to form the National Council.

Tags: Kenya


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