Towards the Peripheries of Life (9): The Community in Alhucemas

Andrea Varela (JMV España)
August 16, 2017

Towards the Peripheries of Life (9): The Community in Alhucemas

by | Aug 16, 2017 | Disasters and Responses, News

Sunday, day for celebrating and sharing the Eucharist in community: the people that were in Nador moved to Alhucemas very early in the morning. In the reunion, there were many hugs, smiles and quick talks to try to share everything lived during the past days.

Once settled down, we are ready to celebrate. Despite not being a day of direct service, we are impressed to celebrate a Eucharist in a Church on Moroccan soil. We feel somewhat clandestine, no one comes to the chapel except us, another volunteer and the communities of Brothers and Sisters of the area.

The experience of living the daily life in community will also remain engraved in our memory, already so full of experiences.

After this, we enjoy the food with some of the workers of the center, who also came.

It is time for some to go back to Nador, grateful for previous experiences lived, even if they are heavy burdens, and wanting to start from tomorrow to give the best of us in the service that we will be carrying out during the whole of next week.

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