Going above and beyond: #IamVincent @NU

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
February 26, 2016

Going above and beyond: #IamVincent @NU

by | Feb 26, 2016 | News


Being Vincentian means going above and beyond what is considered “good” or “merciful.” Alisha Battaglia graduated cum laude with a B.A. in adolescence and special education from Niagara University in 2015, and is studying toward a master’s degree in literacy instruction from NU.

The Niagara Falls native is active with the March of Dimes and the American Cancer Society. Through Niagara University’s Learn and Serve Niagara program, Battaglia has worked with at-risk students in Camden, N.J., and Philadelphia, Pa., on four separate occasions.

Alisha Marie Battaglia

Alisha Marie Battaglia
©Niagara University

“Alisha has fully embraced Niagara University’s Catholic and Vincentian mission, going above and beyond the call of duty to assist those in need. Her commitment to education and community service makes her very worthy of this recognition. We are very proud of her.”(Patricia Wrobel, assistant dean for external relations in NU’s College of Education)

Read the entire article on Niagara’s website.

Above and beyond. #IamVincent. So is Alisha.


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