Daily Reflection – February 7

"Your nightly duty is laden with heavy responsibility and it is only through rest, sensibly taken, that you will possess the presence of mind your duty demands." - St. Vincent de Paul - Often the press of responsibilities is so great I fail to attend to my own...

Daily Reflection – February 5

"God always blesses humble beginnings more than those that make a big stir!" (CCD 2:315) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, I know that without your help, I can do nothing good or worthwhile. Forgive me for the times I have wanted recognition for what I have done.

Daily Reflection – February 4

- Speaking about a possible organization for the service of the poor - “Our membership in such a union will bear silent and humble witness to the faith that is in us - a faith that has always inspired its more devoted adherents to work for the good of those the world...

Daily Reflection – February 2

"It was said of St. Catherine Labouré that some sort of electric current [existed] between Catherine and humble people, between her and children. Those who were puzzled or embarrassed went to her as if she were a beloved granny, a staunch member of the household - but...

Daily Reflection – January 31

"We should be faithful in little things, keep ourselves in the presence of God, and have a great desire to please him." (SW 513) - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, fidelity is the special gift I ask for today. May my words and actions always show me to be your faithful...

Daily Reflection – January 30

"One can never have too great a supply of patience and mild persuasion." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, when I have failed to succeed in persuading anyone to another course of action, it was probably because of my impatient and aggressive manner. Create in me a gentle...

Daily Reflection – January 29

"New works, however holy, do not develop unless they have a promoter who follows them closely." - St. Vincent de Paul - O God, remove from me all fear of new beginnings. Give me the courage I need to undertake and see to completion good works done in your name.

Reflections Quotes