Now the state most pleasing to God is that of perfection, the one Our Lord embraced on earth and has the Apostles embrace it. It consists, among other means, of living in poverty, chastity, obedience and stability in one's vocation (V:315).
Quote of the Day – March 14
Those whom Providence has called to be the first members of a nascent Company usually strive to put it in the state most pleasing to God (V:315).
Quote of the Day – March 13
God has been pleased to compose this Little Company of persons of lowly condition and average intelligence. By his mercy, however, they have good will, which, by His grace, is increasing in them daily (V:267).
Quote of the Day – March 12
It is better to look on in wonder and remain silent at the sight of so many and such incomparable acts of kindness (V:263).
Quote of the Day – March 11
Life is short; its end is soon in view and God's judgment is fearsome to those leaving this life, of whom it is said: "They have not fulfilled their obligations; that is why the Lord has placed them among those who commit iniquity” (V:257).
Quote of the Day – March 10
We must not toy with promising things to God and then failing to keep our word to Him (V:256).
Quote of the Day – March 9
If the glory of the world is nothing but smoke, the contrary is solid good, when it is accepted in the right way (V:231).
Quote of the Day – March 8
God's divine goodness is merciful to us when it pleases Him to allow us to encounter blame and public contempt (V:230).
Quote of the Day – March 7
Life is short, the reward is great (V:220).
Quote of the Day – March 6
Nature makes trees put down deep roots before having to bear fruit, and even this is done gradually (V:219).