You are also asked to help the poor people to be able to earn their living in this season by supplying them with implements to gather in the harvest (VIII:27).
Quote of the Day
May Our Lord Himself be your strength and your life as He is to all those whose food is His love (VIII:20).
Quote of the Day
May God preserve you by His grace (VIII:16).
Quote of the Day
I praise God for the zeal He gives you for the advancement of His glory and the public good (VIII:13).
Quote of the Day
May God in His infinite goodness continue to give and increase His graces in you (VIII:5).
Quote of the Day
If priests are good, the people will also be good (VIII:3).
Quote of the Day
The obligations of justice have priority over those of charity (VII:633).
Quote of the Day
One mistake should not be corrected by another (VII:631).
Quote of the Day
How very precious is a good missionary! God must raise him up and fashion him; that is the work of His omnipotence and His great goodness (VII:626).
Quote of the Day
If you want to have peace of heart and a thousand blessings from God, do not listen any longer either to your own judgment or your will (VII:589).