The detachment God gives you from the things of this world is more valuable than all its precious assets (VIII:111).
Daily Reflection
"Instead of measuring your difficulties with your strength you must measure them with the powerful help you have a right to expect from God." (CW 3b:83) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Often I fail to realize that I am never alone to cope with my problems. I rely on your...
Quote of the Day
We have begun a program here aimed at making all our Missionaries equally qualified for assignments in seminaries and on the missions (VIII:91).
Quote of the Day
What great consolation you will one day have for having used such efficacious means to advance the sanctification of souls (VIII:75).
Quote of the Day
May it please God, in his infinite goodness, to fill you with His Spirit, in order to make Him known and loved among these poor people who are so disposed to embrace our holy faith (VIII:103).
Quote of the Day
Continue to give God all the affection of your heart, the applications of your mind, and the work of your hands (VIII:65).
Quote of the Day
The more persons living in religion distance themselves from poverty, the greater difficulty they will have in maintaining themselves (VIII:49).
Quote of the Day
The religious spirit must have as a point of reference that of Our Lord, who willed to practice radical poverty on earth (VIII:49).
Quote of the Day
If you want to know only Jesus Christ crucified, if you want to live only His life, have no doubt that He Himself will be your knowledge and your action (VIII:41).
Quote of the Day
I admit that virtue is accompanied by two vices: excess and default (VIII:36).