Missioners are those who have God alone in view, their own salvation and that of their neighbor; those who have no other attachment than the one that unites them more closely to God (XII:23).
Quote of the Day
God is with the simple and humble; He assists them, blesses their work, blesses their undertakings (XII:21).
Quote of the Day
O human wretchedness! O cursed pride! How much trouble you cause! (XII:21).
Quote of the Day
My intention is always to call you brothers… that's the term Our Lord used with his Apostles (XII:18).
Quote of the Day
What the eye sees affects us much more than what the ear hears and we believe in a good that we see rather than in one we hear (XII:15).
Quote of the Day
We must consult God to learn his language and ask that He himself speak in us and through us (XII:13).
Quote of the Day
We must set ourselves aside in order to be in communion with God (XII:13).
Quote of the Day
We have all been called by God to work on a masterpiece (XII:13).
Quote of the Day
If the Church's ministers are good and they do their duty, all will go well (XII:13).
Quote of the Day
I hope that your past fidelity to these rules and your patience in waiting so long for them will obtain for you from the goodness of God the grace to observe them with greater ease in the future (XII:10).