Quote of the Day – January 23

In His admirable Providence, Our Lord allows holy fathers and mothers to suffer anguish from their own flesh and blood (I:315).

Quote of the Day – January 22

Remember that the faults of the children are not always imputed to the parents, especially when they have had them educated and have given them good example (I:314).

Quote of the Day – January 20

How I fear large numbers and expansion. What reason we have to praise God for allowing us to honor the small number of the disciples of His Son (I:304).

Quote of the Day – January 19

We are like the servants of the centurion in the Gospel with regard to bishops, insofar as when they say to us: go, we are obliged to go; if they say: come, we are obliged to come; do that, and we are obliged to do it (I:297).

Quote of the Day – January 18

Do not be afraid of undertaking too much of what you can do without coming and going; but fear only the thought of doing more than you are doing and more than God is giving you the means to do (I:290).

Quote of the Day – January 15

Remember, we live in Jesus Christ through the death of Jesus Christ, and we must die in Jesus Christ through the life of Jesus Christ, and our life must be hidden in Jesus Christ and filled with Jesus Christ, and in order to die as Jesus Christ, we must live in Jesus Christ (I:276).

Quote of the Day – January 14

Must not a priest die of shame for claiming a reputation in the service he gives God and for dying in his bed, when he sees Jesus Christ rewarded for his work by disgrace and the gibbet (I:276).

Reflections Quotes

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