Quote of the Day

It is true that everyone naturally wants what is best for himself, whereas Our Lord wants us to prefer the worst (VII:515).

Quote of the Day

Let us ask Our Lord to send good workers into His vineyard and to perfect those who are already in the Company (VII:491).

Quote of the Day

The more we see our own inadequacy, let us think that we have even more than we deserve (VII:483).

Quote of the Day

I ask God to be your strength so that you may walk to the end of the path He has marked out for you to your last end, which is God (VII:480).

Quote of the Day

May God be pleased to strengthen you and to establish great union among you; for you will be even stronger if you are all closely united (VII:473).

Quote of the Day

You will attain happiness if you practice faithfully humility, gentleness, and charity toward the poor (VII:471).

Quote of the Day

I praise God for the good dispositions He gives you to make yourself more and more pleasing in His eyes (VII:471).

Quote of the Day

God’s divine goodness is very pleased with the way you are resisting nature in its inclination for change (VII:470).

Quote of the Day

It is a great happiness to die in the actual practice of charity (VII:450).

Quote of the Day

Love one another… esteem and respect one another as daughters of Our Lord made in the image of God; bear with one another’s little weaknesses as you would wish to be borne with; lastly, comply graciously with one another’s wishes and never argue (VII:449).

Reflections Quotes

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