Zeal which goes outside the enclosure of love of the neighbor is no longer zeal, but the passion of antipathy (II:157).
Quote of the Day – May 31
All those things are nothing but exercises for your purgation, illumination, and perfection, and so that you can sympathize with those whom you see in similar dispositions. It is God's plan that those who are to help others spiritually fall into the temptation of mind...
Quote of the Day – May 30
On God's road, not to advance is to fall back since one never remains in the same condition (II:146).
Quote of the Day – May 29
Perfection consists in a constant perseverance to acquire the virtues and become proficient in their practice (II:146).
Quote of the Day – May 28
Always remember that in the spiritual life little account is taken of the beginnings. People attach importance to the progress and the end (II:146).
Quote of the Day – May 27
Have great confidence in God, really give yourself to Him so that he may direct you and be Himself the Superior (II:140).
Quote of the Day – May 26
Let us set about stripping ourselves entirely of affection for anything that is not God, be attached to things only for God and according to God, and let us seek and establish His kingdom first of all in ourselves, and then in others (II:122).
Quote of the Day – May 25
We must endeavor to have God reign sovereignly in us, and then in others (II:113).
Quote of the Day – May 24
We must make a rule that they may not, under any pretext whatsoever, eat what is intended for the poor (II:107).
Quote of the Day – May 23
Our Lord proclaims the idleness and sensuality of Magdalen to be more agreeable to Him than the less considerate zeal of Martha (II:85).