Our Lord has turned to you for the sustenance of the poor (II:285).
Quote of the Day
The spirit of God proceeds discreetly and always humbly (II:278).
Quote of the Day
In the seminary there is more need of piety and passable knowledge with an understanding of chant, ceremonies, preaching and the teaching of catechism than of a great deal of doctrine (II:266).
Quote of the Day
The spirit of the Mission must be to seek its greatness in lowliness and its reputation in the love of its abjection (II:265).
Quote of the Day
Let us trust that Our Lord will bring about what He wishes to be done among us (II:237).
Quote of the Day
It is a maxim of ours to work in the service of the people, with the good pleasure of the pastors, and never to act contrary to their wishes (II:226).
Quote of the Day
In order to become soundly virtuous it is advisable to make good practical resolution concerning particular acts of the virtues and to be faithful in carrying them out afterward. Without doing that, one is often virtuous only in one's imagination (II:217).
Quote of the Day
Take care of your poor life. Be content with consuming it little by little for Divine Love. It is not your own; it belongs to the Author of Life, for love of whom you must preserve it until He asks it of you (II:211).
Quote of the Day
God compensates for and accomplishes in a divine way what men and women are not able to do in a human way (II:199).
Quote of the Day
Although you do not have so many talents, Our Lord will increase them for you, if He chooses (II:191).